
Real expertise

At Fourian, we specialize in providing expert services in social media marketing, personal branding, social selling, and digital transformation. We take pride in helping companies, c-levels, and organizations leverage the power of social media to achieve their goals. If you’re looking to elevate your brand or optimize your social media strategy, we are here to help.

At Fourian, we offer a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services that can take your brand to the next level. We specialize in Organic Social Media Strategy, PR, Paid Social Media, Content Creation and Management, Copywriting, and Web Development.

Our focus is on creating engaging and effective digital experiences across LinkedIn, Meta, TikTok, Twitter and other platforms that can help you connect with your target audience and achieve your business goals.

Every strategy is designed to give you a competitive edge, and we begin by understanding your unique business, market, and competitors to uncover the compelling story that will resonate with your audience. We then utilize our expertise in platforms such as LinkedIn, Meta, TikTok, and Twitter to create a connection with your audience that will not only shorten the buying decision but also create loyal fans and build immense credibility.

With Fourian, you can trust that your digital presence is in the right hands. Our team of experts will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you’re always one step ahead of the competition. Join us on our journey and experience the power of digital innovation across multiple platforms.

Jesper Glahn
Copenhagen Atomics

Vi har haft stort udbytte af at arbejde sammen med Sarah omkring sociale medier. Altid inspirerende og masser af energi - og mange gode hints! Vi har fået en god platform til at arbejde mere effektivt på sociale medier og har hurtigt kunne skabe målbare resultater! Jeg kan varmt anbefale Sarah!

Niels Møller
Organisationschef, Moderaterne

Sarah satte lynhurtigt skub i Moderaternes SoMe-kampagne, skabte overblik, samlede et kompetent team, arbejdede utrætteligt og med stor energi. Sarahs smittende, venlige og altid positive væsen har været et stort aktiv for Moderaternes valgkampagne, som bragte os fra nærmest ukendt parti til folketingets tredjestørste på fem uger.

Frederik Roose Øvlisen
Kontorchef, Forsyningstilsynet

Sarah made me understand social media algorithms - I took part in a workshop led by Sarah that not only taught me WHAT to do but more importantly HOW it works with the algorithms. Sarah is an eminent communicator with a deep understanding of how to enable social media and increase personal branding.

Kim Ziegler
Chief Design Officer & Partner

Sarah har hjulpet MeeW med at åbne døre til nye kunder, men samtidig også hjulpet os på vej med spot-on social media strategi, kommunikation og marketing. Alle opgaver og problemstillinger er blevet løst til vores fulde tilfredsstillelse og Sarah har, vigtigst af alt, skabt iøjenfaldende værdi for vores virksomhed. Jeg kan med tryghed og ro i sindet give mine varmeste anbefalinger, og jeg er overbevist om, at hun kan gøre præcis det samme for jer, som hun har gjort/stadig gør for os!

Christian Dam
Sales & Business Development

Sarah is an impressive and charismatic woman who knows her stuff. She is my preferred interpreter for all SoMe things. In a world where everything changes and evolves so quickly, it is important to surround yourself with specialists and Sarah is my preferred adviser specialist when it comes to SoMe strategies. She is highly recommended by my side.

Nikolaj Lund
DiningSix & Burger Shack

Jeg havde bedt Sarah om råd til nogle tiltag, der kunne være med til at øge antallet af gæster og synligheden for en af vores restauranter. Sarah var så vanvittig godt forberedt, hun skød bare løs med forslag og ideer, jeg var blæst bagover af den energi Sarah havde og alle de ting jeg kunne tage med fra mødet. Intet mindre end genialt.

Pia Allerslev

Når man spørger Sarah om et godt råd - så får man det! Og man får det kort, præcist og meget anvendeligt. Til trods for, at der er mange ord og begreber, jeg ikke har helt styr på, når vi taler om hjemmesider og social media strategi, så formåede Sarah at forklare alt, så jeg både kunne forstå og bruge alt det jeg havde fået præsenteret. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg bruger Sarah Fourian.

Bill Windsor
Owner, Eden Jaxx

Sarah came on board to help me with my social media for my project Eden Jaxx three weeks before opening and I knew 10 minutes into our first meeting she was the woman for the job. She is highly knowledgeable about how all the systems interact with each other and has the energy and enthusiasm to take your SoMe to the next level and above.

Freya Miller
Telly Award Winner 2022

Sarah recently gave me the most formidable Instagram crash course with a focus on how to best utilize this social networking platform for career purposes. What she taught me equipped me to develop my profile confidently, and also explained to me why I should take social media seriously as a career and visibility tool. I'm still just a newbie on Insta but I'm having fun with it and only wish I'd jumped on a lot sooner. I'd recommend Sarah in a heartbeat!

Why clients choose Fourian

Track record

In industries such as Pharmaceutical, Energy, Education, Politics, E-commerce

Customized solutions

Everything is tailored and customized. Just like a good suit.

Experienced team

We don’t work with juniors. You are guaranteed to work with a senior.


We stay ahead of the industry.


Many companies stay with us for a long time.


We work closely with our clients to ensure that their strategies are aligned with their business goals and values.

Maximize your digital potential with a free performance analysis

Unlock your business’s growth potential with our free performance analysis. We’ll review your content management, advertising, social media presence, and more to provide invaluable insights and recommendations. Order your analysis today.

Proven trackrecord

Fourian is your go-to agency for social media, marketing, and communication solutions, specializing in serving B2B clients, organizations, and top-level executives.

We merge our expertise in social media, communication, and branding, with creativity and technology to help our clients communicate and promote their values, products, and expertise through digital channels, with a focus on increasing their online presence and contributing to their business success.

We have the skills to take your business to the next level with meaning, content, data, and direction. Fourian empowers our clients to work towards authentic and genuine engagement, target audience expansion, and improved brand reputation.

Social media & PR

Did you know, you can use social media for PR?

Social media has changed the game for public relations, providing an unprecedented opportunity to connect with audiences on a massive scale, but many companies and individuals are still trying to figure out how to use it effectively.

With constantly evolving algorithms and a seemingly endless stream of content, it can be overwhelming to know where to start.

At Fourian we’ve cracked the code of social media algorithms and know how to harness their power for PR. We understand the nuances of each platform and can develop a tailored strategy to reach your target audience. From engaging content creation to thoughtful community management, we’ll make sure your brand is front and center.


Fourian offers a range of digital marketing services, including website design and development, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and email marketing.

At Fourian, we focus on building long-term relationships with our clients by offering customized solutions tailored to their specific needs. We also prioritize transparency, communication, and measurable results.

We begin with a consultation to understand your business and goals, and then we develop a customized digital marketing plan. We keep you informed throughout the process and provide regular updates on progress.

We measure success by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and providing regular reports to our clients. We also focus on delivering measurable results that align with our client’s goals.

Yes, Fourian can work with businesses of any size, from startups to large enterprises. We tailor our solutions to meet the specific needs and budgets of our clients.

Fourian has experience working with a wide range of industries, including technology, healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more. We leverage our expertise to provide customized solutions that help businesses in any industry achieve their digital marketing goals.

Organic social media is important for every company, regardless of size and clients. Organic social media is all about strategy, gaining trust, loyalty, brand awareness, and community. All the things you can’t really buy with an ad.

Our workshop will be tailored to the company’s needs, and will be designed to meet the marketing team, where they are in their career. A workshop is ideal when a company wants to elevate its presence on social media and wants to have a strategy, content pillars and go-to’s delivered to them.