Samarbejdet med Copenhagen Atomics
Fremtidens energikilder og muligheder, fylder meget – og med rette. Grøn kommunikation er også kommet under den organiske paraply.
Fourian is a leading digital, social media and communications agency based in Copenhagen, Aalborg and Nyborg, Denmark, specializing in the intersection of creativity and technology. We work with businesses, organizations and top-level executives, both locally and globally, providing expert services in:
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English.
In industries such as Pharmaceutical, Energy, Education, Politics, E-commerce
We stay ahead of the industry.
Everything is tailored and customized. Just like a good suit.
Many companies stay with us for a long time.
We don’t work with juniors. You are guaranteed to work with a senior.
We work closely with our clients to ensure that their strategies are aligned with their business goals and values.
In industries such as Pharmaceutical, Energy, Education, Politics, E-commerce
We don’t work with juniors. You are guaranteed to work with a senior.
Many companies stay with us for a long time.
Everything is tailored and customized. Just like a good suit.
We stay ahead of the industry.
We work closely with our clients to ensure that their strategies are aligned with their business goals and values.
We are driven by a singular mission – delivering measurable business outcomes for our clients. We possess an intricate understanding of the digital channels where your customers spend their time, and we leverage cutting-edge planning, purchasing, and analytics methodologies to inspire potentials to take action.
Rather than focusing solely on reach and efficiency, we have adopted an innovative approach that prioritizes attention, relevance, and tangible results. This strategic shift enables us to create effective campaigns that drive genuine engagement and long-term growth for our clients.
We are at the forefront of the industry, constantly pushing boundaries and driving innovation to deliver exceptional results for our clients. At Fourian, we are not only experts in our field, we are also dedicated to creating outstanding work that drives the industry forward.
Every business, organization, or top-level executive is unique, which is why we customize our services to meet the specific needs of each client.
Futured in:
Nominated for Berlingske Talent 100
A selection of our
“Fourian is my preferred interpreter for all SoMe things. In a world where everything changes and evolves so quickly, it is important to surround yourself with specialists”
Christian Dam
Sales & Business Development
Jesper Glahn
Copenhagen Atomics
“Vi har haft stort udbytte af at arbejde sammen med Sarah omkring sociale medier. Altid inspirerende og masser af energi – og mange gode hints! Vi har fået en god platform til at arbejde mere effektivt på sociale medier og har hurtigt kunne skabe målbare resultater! Jeg kan varmt anbefale Sarah!”
Niels Møller
Organisationschef, Moderaterne
Sarah satte lynhurtigt skub i Moderaternes SoMe-kampagne, skabte overblik, samlede et kompetent team, arbejdede utrætteligt og med stor energi. Sarahs smittende, venlige og altid positive væsen har været et stort aktiv for Moderaternes valgkampagne, som bragte os fra nærmest ukendt parti til folketingets tredjestørste på fem uger.
Pia Allerslev
“Når man spørger Sarah om et godt råd – så får man det! Og man får det kort, præcist og meget anvendeligt. Til trods for, at der er mange ord og begreber, jeg ikke har helt styr på, når vi taler om hjemmesider og social media strategi, så formåede Sarah at forklare alt, så jeg både kunne forstå og bruge alt det jeg havde fået præsenteret. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg bruger Sarah Fourian.”
Eisho Dalil
Ejer af Francis Marketing
Vi har efterhånden hos Francis Marketing prøvet diverse bureauer til at lave vores hjemmeside uden at ende med det resultat som vi ønskede. Kevin greb opgaven, og udførte præcis den visuelle identitet som vi ønskede!
Stor anbefaling herfra.
Fourian was born out of an unmistakable demand for transparency, fairness, and unparalleled expertise. In the intricate world of marketing, where the double-edged sword swings with potential gains and losses, we stand firm: Our commitment ensures you’re always on the side of profitability and progress.
We have the ability, the skills and genuine know-how to help you 360 degrees with your digital marketing, all the way from organic and paid social, to designing a website that converts and generates profit.
From establishing online footholds for startups to refining strategies for global corporations, we’ve been pivotal in driving marketing success across scales.
With headquarters in Copenhagen and branches in Nyborg and Aalborg, we’re anchored in Denmark, however, our international ethos ensures we’re adept at serving clients globally, meeting them wherever their ambitions lie. At Fourian, we position ourselves where our impact is most profound.
At Fourian, we take pride in our Danish roots and the broader European landscape we operate within. This unique positioning ensures we remain not only compliant but also ahead of the curve with the most recent digital and legal guidelines established in Brussels. It’s not just about adapting to these changes; it’s about leading the way in their proper implementation for the betterment of the digital ecosystem.
While the Digital Services Act (DSA) sets the tone for safer online spaces and user-centric policies, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) takes a stride forward to cultivate fair and open digital markets. The DMA aims to ensure contestable and fair markets in the digital sector, specifically addressing the challenges posed by large online platforms acting as gatekeepers.
Major online players, from tech platforms such as Google and Facebook to emerging platforms, are under the watchful eye of the EU’s regulations. The DSA emphasizes user safety, with platforms introducing methods to report illegal content, and the DMA ensures fair market competition, preventing anti-competitive behaviors by key market players.
Although rooted in EU policies, the ripple effects of DSA and DMA will likely resonate globally. And as the digital ecosystem becomes increasingly interconnected, the standards set by the EU might well set the pace for digital policies beyond its borders.
At the heart of Fourian’s ethos is a commitment to ethical digital operations, transparency, and excellence. As the EU charts a bold course for the future of our digital world through new initiatives like DSA and DMA, we stand ready to guide our clients through these transformative times. Together, we ensure that your digital strategies are not only robust and successful but also reflective of the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and user-centricity. In a world of rapid digital evolution, align with Fourian to lead with principle and purpose.
You are welcome to contact us at phone or email. Just as you are also more than welcome to send us a message and possibly request a free analysis.
Fremtidens energikilder og muligheder, fylder meget – og med rette. Grøn kommunikation er også kommet under den organiske paraply.
Ifølge World Economic Forum (WEF), eksisterer 85 % af de arbejdspladser vi ser i dag ikke i 2030, og med hele bølgen fra passionsøkonomien.
Mange – ja, stort set alle her på LinkedIn, som følger med hos mig, kender mig som erhvervsdrivende med min virksomhed.