
Theres a billion reasons to use instagram

Instagram isn’t just about selfies and sunsets. It’s a powerhouse for brand engagement, with a staggering 90% of its billion-strong user base following at least one business. Dive deeper, and you’ll discover that 83% of users have discovered new products and services right on Instagram. This visual-centric platform has cemented its position not only as a space for creativity and connection but also as a trusted avenue for business discovery and brand loyalty. With stats like these, it’s no wonder brands are weaving Instagram into the fabric of their digital strategy.

Talk to Sarah

Sarah is our top performer – specialized in Organic Social.

Talk to Sarah

Sarah is our top performer – specialized in Organic Social.

In good company with

Fourian + Instagram = your success

At Fourian, our journey with Instagram has spanned over a rich and transformative decade. We’ve been helping a lot of diverse brands – from nimble startups taking their first digital steps to well-established names launching innovative product lines.

We’re proud of having helped smaller brands grow from just concepts to significant online presences, watching and aiding them as they weave their own narratives on Instagram’s huge canvas. Similarly, larger entities have sought out our expertise when introducing a fresh product or venturing into a new market segment. We’re always here to help.

However, the true beauty of Instagram lies in its malleability, and there isn’t a singular blueprint for success, since each brand story is unique, and the platform is just a medium to tell it.

And understanding the platform is crucial.

At Fourian, we don’t just comprehend Instagram’s present dynamics and functions – we anticipate its future evolutions and we delve deep, understanding the platform’s core, its audience’s preferences, and its fast-changing algorithms.

Because to truly succeed on Instagram, or any platform for that matter, it’s not just about adapting.. It’s about foreseeing change and innovating continuously.

Sarah is Nominated for Berlingske Talent 100

We can assist you with

Are you a B2C brand?

Then, Instagram isn’t just platform, but more of a thriving marketplace. With Fourian, you won’t just be a part of the bazaar, but you’ll be able to stand out, shine, and sell. Our in-depth understanding of direct-to-consumer marketing on Instagram guarantees an approach that’s insightful, innovative, and impactful.

Your consumers are scrolling, searching, and shopping on Instagram, and it’s our job to ensure they stop, stare, and shop.

Get in touch / Free Analysis

Feel free to reach out to us through either phone or email. Additionally, you’re more than welcome to send us a message or an inquiry about getting a complimentary analysis from us.

Understanding your brand's identity

The first step in our Instagram journey involves delving deep into the heart of your brand, because we want to take the time to understand the brands’ values, mission, and the unique qualities that set you apart. This understanding is crucial in creating an Instagram presence that truly reflects what you are as a brand.

Data-driven insights for targeted impact

Our Instagram strategies are backed by data-driven insights, and we analyze trends, monitor engagement, and study audience behavior to ensure that your content reaches and resonates with the right people. Our goal is to create content that not only looks great but also drives results, whether that’s increased brand awareness, higher engagement rates, or boosted sales.

Seamless integration

We ensure that your Instagram efforts are seamlessly integrated with other digital channels, creating a cohesive and unified brand experience for your audience. We can take care of parts of your digital journey – or all of it.

Strategic content creation

We believe that every post, story, and reel is an opportunity to engage and connect with your audience. Our creative team designs content that is both visually stunning but also strategically aligned with your brand goals.

We focus on creating authentic and memorable content that tells your story and engages your audience in meaningful ways.

Building a community around your brand

Instagram is a community. And to be really honest with you, it’s (almost) all about them. We focus on building and nurturing a community around your brand, and we engage with your audience, spark comments, and create interactive content that encourages participation and fosters a sense of belonging among your followers.

Regular analytics and reporting

Transparency is key in any partnership, and a good partnership is built on trust. We provide regular reports and analytics, giving you a clear view of your Instagram performance. We believe in keeping you informed and involved every step of the way, ensuring that our strategies are meeting your expectations and contributing to your goals.

Talk to Sarah

Sarah is our top performer – specialized in Organic Social.

Why partner with Fourian?

Initial meeting

We commence with a dedicated meeting, ensuring we delve deep into every aspect of your brand, grasping its ethos, objectives, and nuances.

Strategic insights

Post our in-depth analysis, we present our preliminary thoughts, culminating in the crafting of a tailored strategy meticulously tailored to align with your brand's unique needs.

Execution & oversight

Upon securing your affirmation, we transition into the implementation phase, vigilantly executing, monitoring, and amplifying your campaign(s) to ensure optimal performance and results.

Fourian – it’s about a commitment to excellence, ensuring your brand dominates digital.

“Fourian is my preferred interpreter for all SoMe things. In a world where everything changes and evolves so quickly, it is important to surround yourself with specialists”

Christian Dam

Sales & Business Development

Jesper Glahn
Copenhagen Atomics

“Vi har haft stort udbytte af at arbejde sammen med Sarah omkring sociale medier. Altid inspirerende og masser af energi – og mange gode hints! Vi har fået en god platform til at arbejde mere effektivt på sociale medier og har hurtigt kunne skabe målbare resultater! Jeg kan varmt anbefale Sarah!”

Niels Møller
Organisationschef, Moderaterne

Sarah satte lynhurtigt skub i Moderaternes SoMe-kampagne, skabte overblik, samlede et kompetent team, arbejdede utrætteligt og med stor energi. Sarahs smittende, venlige og altid positive væsen har været et stort aktiv for Moderaternes valgkampagne, som bragte os fra nærmest ukendt parti til folketingets tredjestørste på fem uger.

Pia Allerslev

“Når man spørger Sarah om et godt råd – så får man det! Og man får det kort, præcist og meget anvendeligt. Til trods for, at der er mange ord og begreber, jeg ikke har helt styr på, når vi taler om hjemmesider og social media strategi, så formåede Sarah at forklare alt, så jeg både kunne forstå og bruge alt det jeg havde fået præsenteret. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg bruger Sarah Fourian.”

Eisho Dalil
Ejer af Francis Marketing

Vi har efterhånden hos Francis Marketing prøvet diverse bureauer til at lave vores hjemmeside uden at ende med det resultat som vi ønskede. Kevin greb opgaven, og udførte præcis den visuelle identitet som vi ønskede!

Stor anbefaling herfra.

Folketingsvalg x Fourian

Mange – ja, stort set alle her på LinkedIn, som følger med hos mig, kender mig som erhvervsdrivende med min virksomhed.

Læs mere

Talk to Sarah

Founder, Fourian

Christian Dam
Sales & Business Development

Sarah is an impressive and charismatic woman who knows her stuff. She is my preferred interpreter for all SoMe things. In a world where everything changes and evolves so quickly, it is important to surround yourself with specialists and Sarah is my preferred adviser specialist when it comes to SoMe strategies. She is highly recommended by my side.

Frederik Roose Øvlisen
Kontorchef, Forsyningstilsynet

Sarah made me understand social media algorithms – I took part in a workshop led by Sarah that not only taught me WHAT to do but more importantly HOW it works with the algorithms. Sarah is an eminent communicator with a deep understanding of how to enable social media and increase personal branding.

Kim Ziegler
Chief Design Officer & Partner

Sarah har hjulpet MeeW med at åbne døre til nye kunder, men samtidig også hjulpet os på vej med spot-on social media strategi, kommunikation og marketing. Alle opgaver og problemstillinger er blevet løst til vores fulde tilfredsstillelse og Sarah har, vigtigst af alt, skabt iøjenfaldende værdi for vores virksomhed. Jeg kan med tryghed og ro i sindet give mine varmeste anbefalinger, og jeg er overbevist om, at hun kan gøre præcis det samme for jer, som hun har gjort/stadig gør for os!

Freya Miller
Telly Award Winner 2022

Sarah recently gave me the most formidable Instagram crash course with a focus on how to best utilize this social networking platform for career purposes. What she taught me equipped me to develop my profile confidently, and also explained to me why I should take social media seriously as a career and visibility tool. I’m still just a newbie on Insta but I’m having fun with it and only wish I’d jumped on a lot sooner. I’d recommend Sarah in a heartbeat!

Bill Windsor
Owner, Eden Jaxx

Sarah came on board to help me with my social media for my project Eden Jaxx three weeks before opening and I knew 10 minutes into our first meeting she was the woman for the job. She is highly knowledgeable about how all the systems interact with each other and has the energy and enthusiasm to take your SoMe to the next level and above.

Anne Dorthe Pedersen
Ejer af Fru Sød

Fantastisk firma med gode og kvalificeret ansatte. De har løst alle opgaver til UG kryds og slang. Været meget lydhør for mine ønsker og har forstået at udfører dem. Når jeg ikke har vist hvad jeg ville er de kommet med gode løsninger og har overholdt alle deadlines. De har stået for alt omkring min hjemmeside, jeg har bare skulle lægge varerne ind. Design opgaven med logo, farver og look er vildt flot, jeg blev interviewet om min person og ønsker og der kom smukt begrundet personligt resultat. De allerbedste anbefalinger herfra.

Nikolaj Lund
DiningSix & Burger Shack

Jeg havde bedt Sarah om råd til nogle tiltag, der kunne være med til at øge antallet af gæster og synligheden for en af vores restauranter. Sarah var så vanvittig godt forberedt, hun skød bare løs med forslag og ideer, jeg var blæst bagover af den energi Sarah havde og alle de ting jeg kunne tage med fra mødet. Intet mindre end genialt.