Responsive & Customized
Web development
A professional website will help create a positive experience for your customers. It’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, contains relevant and updated content, and is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. All these elements will make a big difference from the potential customers’ experience and influence whether they choose to do business with you.
Talk to Kevin
Specialized in UX (User Experience) with +160 projects the last 9 years.
Specialized in UX (User Experience) with +160 projects the last 9 years.
In good company with
A professional website or webshop with Fourian
Are you looking to create a significant online presence for your business? Are you looking for a solution that brings your business closer to your customers and gets you the exposure you desire? Then you should consider getting a professional website.
Seriously. We hold nothing against people who turns to cheaper solutions or make their website a DYI project, but what we offer is not comparable to that, and that’s what we want to explain to you throughout this page.
Your potential clients will judge you, based on many things, where one of them is the website you have. Does it look cheap? Not user friendly? Things like this truly matters..
If you’re a brand, corporation or organization who want’s the best – you’ve landed the right place.
A professional website is more than just a collection of beautiful images, creative texts and a few colours. It’s your digital storefront in a very busy street, and very often it going to be the first impression your potential customers have of your business. A professional website is a robust and tailored platform that helps you reach your customers, showcase your products or services, and strengthen your brand.
How getting started could look like
- First and foremost: Through a phone call or physical meeting, we delve into your wishes, requirements, and most importantly, the goals for your new website.
- How it looks: We develop a layout tailored to achieve your objectives and convert visitors into customers - making your website or webshop a place they love to hang out.
- Setting up for success: We set up your new website, ensuring it works perfect across mobile, tablet, and computer.
- The moment we all look forward to: After your approval, we go live - ensuring your site is fortified against hacker attacks. In other words, it doens’t only look good - it’s also safe.
Understand the importance of a professional website - from a professional point of view.
A professional website gives back credibility to your business. Customers expect companies to have an online presence, and not having a website can create an impression that your business is less professional, making it invisible..
A professional website will help create a positive experience for your customers. It’s user-friendly, easy to navigate, contains relevant and updated content, and is optimized for both desktop and mobile devices. All these elements will make a big difference from the potential customers’ experience and influence whether they choose to do business with you.
Why is it so important to have a good website?
- The first impression: Your website is often the first impression your potential customers have of your business. A professional and appealing web design can create a positive first-hand impression that can be crucial for converting visitors into customers. Just think of how many times you’ve met someone, who gave you a bad first impression.. Hard to change that, right?
- Credibility: People expect any serious business to have an online presence. A well-designed website increases your business's credibility and legitimacy. Trust is everything, and no one buys anything - not even the smallest of things - without trust.
- Accessibility: Your website is accessible 24/7, meaning your customers can access your products or services anytime, no matter where they are. And when a potential costumer needs something - you don’t want to waste their time, or.. Let them have the wrong first impression of you.
- It’s good marketing: A great website can act as a central hub for all your online marketing efforts. From SEO to social media, email marketing, and more, your website can acts as the starting point for various strategies that enhance your online visibility.
- Money, money, money: With an e-commerce platform, your website can act as a sales outlet, allowing customers to purchase directly from you, regardless of their location in the world. Cashing in while you sleep - not bad, huh?
- Customer service: Your website can also act as a customer service center, where customers can find all the answers to their questions, submit inquiries, order services, and more.
- Competitive advantage: In a world where almost all businesses have a website, a well-designed and user-friendly website can give you a competitive edge. You can build trust, cater to their feelings and make them feel almost home.
- Branding: Your website is a fantastic place to communicate your business's brand, values, and mission to your audience.
Look at your website as the foundation
Built in WordPress
Experience the pinnacle of website development with our WordPress-powered solutions, utilizing the foremost CMS in the industry. Our commitment to utilizing the latest web technologies ensures that your website stands as a contemporary, easily editable, and future-proof platform.
Focus on UX (user experince)
We go beyond aesthetics; we prioritize the user experience (UX) to ensure your website not only looks stunning but functions intuitively. With meticulous attention to user journey and interaction design, we create websites that engage and delight visitors. By focusing on UX, we guarantee that every click is purposeful, driving meaningful connections and conversions.
Optimized for Search Engines
We prioritize not just online presence, but visibility. Every website we meticulously craft is SEO-optimized, strategically designed to elevate your digital footprint. Our dedicated team ensures that your website is equipped with the latest SEO best practices, empowering your brand to shine prominently on search engine results.
Responsive design
From desktops to tablets and smartphones, your website will adapt effortlessly, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing experience. With our commitment to responsive design, your brand remains accessible and engaging, no matter the device. Choose us for websites that not only capture attention but also adapt to the dynamic preferences of your audience, providing a flawless user experience across all platforms.”
Talk to Kevin
Frederik is our top performer – specialized in paid advertising.
- +45 60 13 15 17
How to know if your website is truly good?
Let’s look at an example:
Visitors: 1,000
Conv. rate: 1%
Number of purchases = 10
Visitors: 1,000
Conv. rate: 2.5%
Number of purchases = 25
For the same amount of visitors, you get 2.5 times as many leads or sales by having a good and conversion-friendly website compared to having a poor one. A professional website can quickly pay itself off, as a good website equals more orders than a poor one does.
It can seem overwhelming to get started on a new website project, and we truly understand that. There are, indeed, many considerations to be made in advance.
First and foremost, you should decide what the purpose of your website is. Is the intention to sell products, inform about services, promote brand awareness, generate new leads, or maybe a mix of it all? Once you have a clearly defined purpose for your website, it becomes easier to plan content and design.
It’s also important to have your target audience in mind. By understanding your ideal visitor’s needs and interests, you can design a website that speaks directly to them. Next, of course, you need to decide what content should be on your website. Text, images, videos, blog posts, product descriptions, customer testimonials, FAQs – all these elements can help make your website informative and engaging.
The design of your website should be appealing and user-friendly. It should also reflect your brand identity, which means you need to consider everything from color schemes and typography to layout and mobile design. And keep in mind, that our behavior change depending on which device we use.
Your website also needs to be SEO-friendly to be found on the internet. You should consider using relevant keywords, ensuring a quick loading time, having a mobile-friendly site, implementing good internal and external links, and making sure to update your content regularly.
When it comes to the technology behind your website, you should consider which Content Management System (CMS) to use, where your website should be hosted, and whether you need an e-commerce platform if you plan to sell products online.
Your budget is another important factor, and here you need to ask yourself: How much are you willing to invest in your website? Remember, costs can include everything from design and development to hosting, maintenance, and much more.
Finally, you need to think about the maintenance and updating of your website. Who will be responsible for keeping it updated and maintained? Are you going to do it yourself, or are you going to hire someone for it?
Last but not least, the security of your website is crucial. You need to ensure that appropriate security measures are in place to protect both your website and your customers’ data.
“Fourian is my preferred interpreter for all SoMe things. In a world where everything changes and evolves so quickly, it is important to surround yourself with specialists”
Christian Dam
Sales & Business Development
Jesper Glahn
Copenhagen Atomics
“Vi har haft stort udbytte af at arbejde sammen med Sarah omkring sociale medier. Altid inspirerende og masser af energi – og mange gode hints! Vi har fået en god platform til at arbejde mere effektivt på sociale medier og har hurtigt kunne skabe målbare resultater! Jeg kan varmt anbefale Sarah!”
Niels Møller
Organisationschef, Moderaterne
Sarah satte lynhurtigt skub i Moderaternes SoMe-kampagne, skabte overblik, samlede et kompetent team, arbejdede utrætteligt og med stor energi. Sarahs smittende, venlige og altid positive væsen har været et stort aktiv for Moderaternes valgkampagne, som bragte os fra nærmest ukendt parti til folketingets tredjestørste på fem uger.
Pia Allerslev
“Når man spørger Sarah om et godt råd – så får man det! Og man får det kort, præcist og meget anvendeligt. Til trods for, at der er mange ord og begreber, jeg ikke har helt styr på, når vi taler om hjemmesider og social media strategi, så formåede Sarah at forklare alt, så jeg både kunne forstå og bruge alt det jeg havde fået præsenteret. Det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg bruger Sarah Fourian.”
Eisho Dalil
Ejer af Francis Marketing
Vi har efterhånden hos Francis Marketing prøvet diverse bureauer til at lave vores hjemmeside uden at ende med det resultat som vi ønskede. Kevin greb opgaven, og udførte præcis den visuelle identitet som vi ønskede!
Stor anbefaling herfra.
Samarbejdet med Copenhagen Atomics
Fremtidens energikilder og muligheder, fylder meget – og med rette. Grøn kommunikation er også kommet under den organiske paraply.
85 % af de arbejdspladser vi ser i dag eksisterer ikke i 2030
Ifølge World Economic Forum (WEF), eksisterer 85 % af de arbejdspladser vi ser i dag ikke i 2030, og med hele bølgen fra passionsøkonomien.
Folketingsvalg x Fourian
Mange – ja, stort set alle her på LinkedIn, som følger med hos mig, kender mig som erhvervsdrivende med min virksomhed.
Talk to Kevin
Partner, Fourian